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Simple Lifestyle Hacks Program 

The goals for my simple lifestyle hacks program are spaced perfectly to build you up for success, improve your health, and still be able to go about your normal daily responsibilities.  


This program does not deprive you of your favorite foods.  Rather, you get to look forward to a reward at the end of the day for all of your hard work.  


You will learn to nourish both your body and your soul.  

This 6 week program provides you with 

-3 hour long consults along with unlimited messaging support between session

-3 “check in” appointments in between consultations

-Specialized handouts and videos tailored to your specific needs

-Personalized meal plans

-Personalized supplement recommendations  

-This program is offered on a 1:1 basis or in a group setting



Although simple lifestyle hacks is my primary focus, I also work with a variety of health conditions including heart disease, cancer, hormone balance, and more! Each program is individualized to each person and includes:

– 1-month minimum, high accountability program

– 2 consults/month plus messaging support 

– Weekly meal plans

– Personalized nutrition and supplement protocol

– Multiple educational resources personalized to your needs

Click here to work with me!